
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Eight weeks
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas came early for us!
I asked Marcus to give Daddy the present. I wish I had taken a picture of his face after he opened it...he said, "No way!" (same thing he said when we found out we were pregnant with Marcus)...and then he continued on with "Is this for real!?" "Seriously?" He was beside himself with happiness!!
We Skyped my parents with the fabulous news. They were totally surprised and thrilled that they decided to drive up from Pasadena to celebrate with us in the evening.
Curtis went golfing that afternoon with our friend, Mike. He arrived later with a beautiful bouquet and card!
We called his parents when he got home and told them to come over. My parents were here at that point. Curtis' parents had it pretty much figured out by then. We got to share the news with them in person and had a celebratory dinner with both our was really special!
Here is a picture of my belly at 6 weeks! Already a lil pooch ;)

Stay tuned for more....