

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eight weeks

There is my little belly growing OH so fast! I cannot believe how much faster I am showing this time around. I know people told me that all the time but you don't get it until it happens to you. I think I was 16 weeks before my belly was this size when I was pregnant with Marcus....ha...I'm only 8 weeks in this picture with baby #2.
Every day it is sinking in more and more. I am having pretty bad morning sickness, something I did not experience at all with Marcus. I definitely can't handle uncooked meats and random things set me off. The nausea comes in waves. I can be fine one second and then yucky the next and then fine again. It is a roller coaster and I can't wait for it to be over!! As far as cravings go, my #1 craving is orange juice! Other than that, I have random little ones like cheeseburgers and french fries. Until next time...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas came early for us!

It was a cold morning on Saturday, December 5th. I had gotten up early to help host a garage sale with my neighbor, Michelle. I was supposed to go for a long run with my girlfriend, Teresa, later that afternoon. Since we always run far and hard, and the fact that my period was several days late, I decided to take a pregnancy test. For those that don't know, Curtis & I had been trying to conceive again for about 3 months. Needless to say, I took MANY pregnancy tests in the last months and I was just going through the motions again to be safe. To my surprise, this time the test result was POSITIVE. Since the second line was very faint (two lines means pregnant, one line means not), I embarked on test #2 and then #3. Sure enough they ALL came out positive. Since Marcus was sleeping in our bed with Curtis, I opted not to wake Curtis up to share this exciting news. I went about my morning with Michelle, selling items and kept this enormous secret to myself. When Curtis and Marcus joined us later that morning, I told Michelle I had to sneak across the street. I packaged up one of the positive tests with a post-it note saying, "We are pregnant." (see picture below)

I asked Marcus to give Daddy the present. I wish I had taken a picture of his face after he opened it...he said, "No way!" (same thing he said when we found out we were pregnant with Marcus)...and then he continued on with "Is this for real!?" "Seriously?" He was beside himself with happiness!!

We Skyped my parents with the fabulous news. They were totally surprised and thrilled that they decided to drive up from Pasadena to celebrate with us in the evening.

Curtis went golfing that afternoon with our friend, Mike. He arrived later with a beautiful bouquet and card!

We called his parents when he got home and told them to come over. My parents were here at that point. Curtis' parents had it pretty much figured out by then. We got to share the news with them in person and had a celebratory dinner with both our was really special!

Here is a picture of my belly at 6 weeks! Already a lil pooch ;)

Stay tuned for more....