

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jade 8 months/Marcus 3 years 4 months

Jade is an absolute doll.  She is sitting up on her own and is already really good at self-playing.  Her favorite toy is Buzz Lightyear.  She LOVES music.  She is flaps her arms when she’s happy and is starting to clap.  She also is starting to say Dadadada.  We aren’t completely sure if she is directing that at Daddy or if it’s just her experimenting with her voice some more.

Marcus is a great big brother.  He is an endless ball of energy, mixed with a tenderness and intelligence that is too cute.  He has given up his naps (at least for the most part) which makes my job even more interesting. :) He is starting preschool at a Montessori school on May 4th that is just down the street from our house.  We are super excited about it and 3 of his friends already attend that school.  He says new phrases every day and is learning to spell.  His favorite phrase this week is “Oh, I got it!”  And the other day he randomly said “T-O-Y Toy Mommy”  while we were playing in the bathtub,  I was floored!!!

Here are some recent pictures of them… 

IMG_2068  IMG_2061 IMG_2059  IMG_2063  IMG_2071  IMG_2070IMG_1929IMG_1934

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