Life is moving even faster these days...between keeping up with our "always on the move" wonderful 2 yr old Marcus, dealing with the remodel, working part time, taking care of family business and normal house duties; I feel like I don't have much time left or energy to do much more than SLEEP! Oh and I think I forgot to mention that I am busy making baby Jade too!
The pregnancy is moving along nicely. I have my monthly check up tomorrow so I will know more then. At my last appt, Jade was measuring a little on the smaller side. I am not surprised since Marcus was a little newborn. I am sure she is just following suit. She is kicking like crazy and moving around. I notice she wakes up about 9:30pm just at the time that I want to sleep...figures! Curtis got to feel her for the first time this past week. It is so WONDERFUL! I missed that feeling of a baby inside me...appreciating it all over again.
Marcus is growing up sooo fast! He is doing things, saying full sentences and new words, and understanding new concepts everyday that we are utterly amazed with. He has memorized many songs...he loves to sing, to cook, play monster (basically hide and seek while roaring), tell stories, watch tv, and have our undivided attention (of course). Here is a picture of him at Avila Barn from yesterday. I wanted to go to the park but he wanted to go "feed the ducks, the roosters, the goats, and ummm the peacocks" (his words exactly).
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