

Friday, April 2, 2010

San Francisco Trip and Easter Sunday

We went up to San Francisco on a Smith Family vacation...something we have not done since I don't even remember how long! It was super fun! We stayed downtown at the Palomar hotel courtesy of Albert and Heather. We did all the tourist stuff...went to Fisherman's wharf and Ghiradelli's square and Marcus got to ride his first REAL trolley. It was quite an amazing trip with NO drama! :)
Alexa and Marcus in the electric street bus...pretty cute how much they bonded on this trip.

Here are the pictures from Easter Sunday. We went to Brunch at the Ritz Carlton. They had an indoor Easter egg hunt which was quite nice considering it was raining. Alexa and Marcus got to enjoy that together.

Marcus trying to steal one of the BIG eggs. :)

Looking for more candy... Enjoying his thousandth piece of chocolate...I seriously stopped just wasn't worth it!
Checking out the petting zoo they had there...super cute baby animals.

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