Marcus calls Geronimo "Selmo" and Smitty "Smi" as he cannot pronounce their names properly just yet. He says "Selmo is my doggie and Smi is mommy's doggie."
His top favorite things are still running and cooking as well as playing with his "Cars" cars, his Buzz Lightyears and Woody, and his dinosaurs.
He has become quite the great swimmer. He just jumps in and goes for it! He can basically do laps with some assistance.
He is an amazing talker. He is saying new phrases on a daily basis and is telling us he loves us unprompted. What a tear jerker? :) I definitely have to watch what I say in front of him because even when I think he is not listening, he is hearing me and repeating phrases I have said...what a little sponge. I cannot even begin to list all the things he says because the list would be too long. He has full on conversations with people (even though they may not understand every word he is saying) and tells us stories on a daily basis. Every time I talk on the phone, he wants to talk to that person too. It's pretty hilarious even though it can be frustrating to get through a phone call sometimes.
Our favorite nicknames for him are as follows:
Mommy calls him "Handsome pants", "Sugar plum", and "Markie"
Daddy calls him "Pumpkin Pie"
Nona calls him "Sasu"
He is almost completely potty trained. We are still working out some accidents but we are very pleased with his progress.
Stay tuned for more...

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Thirty Seven Weeks
I have been all consumed with the news of hearing baby Jade is breached. At week 34 weeks, she was head down but decided to pop her head back up at 35 weeks. We have been trying to do everything suggested on how to get her back in the right position. I had accupunture done on Monday and have been using moxybustion (a Chinese herb you burn by your feet) to get her to turn. We had a doctors appt today but the dr could not confirm her exact position. We have another appt scheduled for Monday in which they will do an ultrasound to give us a clear idea on how we are going to proceed. For those of you that don't know, I want to deliver naturally with no drugs so the thought of a c-section is very overwhelmingly stressful. I will do whatever that is within my power to avoid it. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we are praying Jade turns on her own accord if that is what God intends.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thirty Six Weeks
This entire pregnancy has been quite different than my previous one. I remember getting to savor it more the first time. Time is just flying by...between keeping my beautiful two year old busy and the daily grind of life, I barely have enough time to focus on this amazing experience. I find I am often just frustrated with how exhausted and LARGE I've become...which is just part of the course. Sad at times to feel that way because I know I will look back at this time with such fond memories. I mean I am pregnant with my baby girl and we have ever intention for this to be my last pregnancy. That being said, I wish I could slow the clock just a little to relish in these last few days/weeks even though I am sooo uncomfortable and anxious to hold our little Jade. I remember at this point of my pregnancy with Marcus, I was just relaxing and watching movies and plain veggin out. I cannot exactly do that now. I am very fortunate to have soooo much help with all our family members and friends but I am contstantly torn with knowing I need to rest but also needing/wanting to play with my boy. :) I know there are many moms with multiple children who can completely understand. I suppose feeling torn and emotional about it all is part of the journey, one that I am blessed to be experiencing.
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